Marketing Communications

Marketing Communications



1. Scope

The scope of this process is to make known the different communication options that the system offers for constant interaction among the users who interact with the system:

  • Sales Force ←> Company

  • End Customer <→ Company

  • End Customer <→ Sales Force

The system has automatic communications and interactive communications that allow this interaction with different users to occur in different ways:

  • Communications

    • Autoresponders

      • Automatic messages that the system sends automatically after certain actions occur in the system.

    • Interactive messages from the Backoffice

      • Banners

      • Notification bell

      • Mass messages

      • Timeline


1.1. Software Coverage


  • Automatic Communications (Autoresponders)

  • Communications

    • Announcements

      • Banner

      • Popup

      • Timeline - Message Wall

      • Mass Email Sending


2. Definitions

It is important to understand some terms related to the communication module that are frequently mentioned in this document and enable a clear understanding of what is expressed here.


What are Autoresponders?

Autoresponders are automatic email-like messages that are sent to one or more users after they have taken a specific action in the system. We have an administrator that allows customization of the message and the design of these message templates with the desired brand language.


What is a Popup or Banner Message?

A Popup or Banner message is an image that appears to the user on certain screens of the system. These Popup or Banner messages are configured by the system administrator, who decides on which pages and to which users these messages should be displayed.

Popup or Banner messages can be promotional or informational.


What is the Timeline - Message Wall?

The Timeline - Message Wall is a social wall, meaning it is an internal social network where users can send messages in text, image, or video format and stay in touch with other users of the system.


3. Featured Functionalities

3.1. Communications


  • Contact Us: This form allows both registered and non-registered individuals on the platform to get in touch with the brand to address any inquiries, etc. Once users request information through the "Contact Us" form, an email autoresponder will be activated and sent to the user, confirming that their message has been received.

  • Event-Based Notifications: Sends notifications based on communication channels defined by the company whenever an event occurs, such as (order creation, incident creation and modification, new registration, etc.).


4. Conditions

For the proper utilization of the software functionalities, it is necessary to have previously defined technical and/or business elements such as:

  • Brand Manual: Define the structure, form, logo, appropriate usage of the brand, and typographic styles to include and maintain the essence and philosophy of the company.

  • Content Plan: Define the focus and necessary objectives to be covered in the content.

  • Graphic Schemes: Definition and coverage of graphic schemes to establish key ideas, points of interaction, and user flows.

  • Communication Channels: Define the means of communication with customers (email, text messages, etc.).

  • Management of Related System Accounts: Accounts for related systems for positioning, integrations, and communication elements (Facebook, Google, etc.).


5. Operation

5.1. Journey

Now Brenda, the leader of the Communications process at ABC LLC company, along with her team, is looking for the best strategies to reach potential customers and those interested in the products and services offered by the company.

  • Brenda in Communications will be responsible for these processes:

    • Communications

      • Banners

      • Autoresponders




6. Configurable Elements

The following are the elements to configure in the software:

6.1. Main Configurations


  • Message Template/Autoresponder Template Configurator

    • Base Templates

    • Custom Templates

  • Banners and pop-ups within the Backoffice.


6.2. Related Module Configuration


  • Implementation of predefined templates for each process (cart abandonment, successful purchase, etc.).


6.3. Module Configuration

The system provides the option to create base templates and custom templates for sending automatic messages, which the system executes when a specific event occurs in the system.


Example: If someone purchases a product, the system sends them a template informing them that their order has been received and will soon be prepared for shipping.


Base Templates: Allows users with limited knowledge of HTML to create a template with a standard header and footer. This template can be used at any time to create other templates.

For example, I can choose a base template that already has a header and footer created and add the copy I desire according to the template I'm creating and what I want to communicate.



Custom Templates: Custom templates are templates that require some HTML knowledge and can be created from scratch. You do not need to use base templates for this. The idea is that if you need a template with a completely different design, you can create it and add the desired styling and design.

Below, the generalities and structure of the module are described to understand what options are available and how to configure a base template or a custom template:


6.3.1. Message Configurator

The purpose of this message configurator screen is to manage both the types of system messages and the templates that comprise them, with an all-in-one focus, where it is expected that this screen resolves everything related to these two aspects.

In summary, on this screen, you can:

  • Separate messages into their corresponding processes.

  • View templates in a list format.

  • Edit/create templates.

  • See if a message is active or inactive.

  • Create/edit message types (subprocesses).

  • Manage base templates.

  • Test templates through loading.

  • Preview the template.

The main screen, which we see after entering the process administrator, is divided into three parts:

  • Filters.

  • Content Header.

  • Content. Filters

It is important to understand the concept of "Processes" and "Subprocesses" to navigate the screen properly.

Processes: These are the macro topics that are executed in the system and involve the sending of automatic messages. The defined processes are:

  • Registration

  • Orders

  • Incidents (Tickets)

  • Security

  • Payments

  • General

  • Uncategorized


Subprocesses: These are activities related to each process. Each of these activities corresponds to the system releasing an automatic message/template whenever this activity occurs in the system.

On the screen, you can filter by:

  • Processes (Processes are default in the code, so they cannot be created or deleted).

  • Subprocesses (You can edit the names and create new ones, but you cannot delete them). Content Header Search Bar

This search bar allows us to perform a broader search for the templates we want to find, as it enables us to search for keywords that the templates have in the following template fields:

  • Subject

  • Description

  • Code

  • Template New Template Creation Button

This button directs us to the screen for creating a template.

There are two options for creating templates.

The first option is to start from a previously created base template, which will contain a standard header and footer, and you only need to add the content of the message in between.

The second option is to create a template from scratch, which you can fully customize, but you will need to create a header and footer, requiring knowledge of HTML development. View More Actions Button

This menu has two options:

  • New Message: This is used to create a new message type (subprocess).

  • Manage Base Templates: This takes us to the base template's administrator.


The screen for creating and editing base templates will look exactly the same as the screen for creating message templates. The difference is that on the base templates screen, there will be a "Create New Base Template" button. Clicking on a base template in this screen will allow you to edit that base template.

In contrast, on the message templates screen, creating a new message template is not done through a "Create" button. Instead, you create a message template by selecting a base template and editing it to create a message template. Editing a message template is done from the processes and subprocesses screen. Content

Here, you can see the templates associated with their respective subprocesses, which are in turn associated with their respective processes.

In this section, you can: Check if a message (subprocess) is active or not.

If it is in red, it is inactive; if it is in green, it is active. Edit Message Types (Subprocesses) Edit Templates

If you click on the templates, it will redirect you to the template editing screen. Here, you can make changes to the content and settings of the templates. HTML Editor

This HTML editor will display everything related to the content of the template message. Here, you can customize and edit the content of the message template. Test Template

Expanding this section allows you to perform a test send. You can upload a list of email addresses to which the template you are currently editing will be sent. This feature helps you preview how the template will look when it's sent to actual recipients. Campos disponibles

Esta sección contiene los tags relacionados a las plantillas. Es importante tener en cuenta que solo será visible al editar la plantilla, pero al crearla no se verá esta sección. El sistema trae los tags únicamente que apliquen a cada plantilla, por tanto, si esta plantilla no se creó con algún tag específico no tiene por qué desplegarse ese tag en esta sección. Template Data

This section contains all the fields related to a template so that they can be edited and managed. It allows you to customize various aspects of the template, such as subject, description, and other template-specific settings.



7. Detailed Scope

7.1 Automatic Communications

The S4DS platform allows for the establishment of automatic communications, such as reminders and personalized notifications, in order to inform the network about upcoming activities.

These communications require the brand to be present in:

  • Templates (Autoresponders)
    To send automatic messages, it is necessary to configure templates. These templates are customized with a focus on maintaining the company's image (color, font type, logo, etc.).

    To use the autoresponders, Brenda, along with her team, must design the templates to be used for each of the events and processes. It is an intuitive and user-friendly tool even for non-technical users.


Preparatory Configurations

  • Autoresponder Template Configuration

  • Site UI / UX (Styles, Images)

    • CSS Styles

    • Login Page

    • Logos and Branding

  • Navigation Menu and Static Page Information

  • Multilanguage Configuration if required.


7.2. Communications

7.2.1. Announcements

Announcements allow the marketing or sales team to send important information to the field in a segmented manner, and for this purpose, S4DS contains the centralized communications tool.

Thus, predefined templates with special designs can be chosen, or free-text with rich formatting can be written.

The system will allow filtering the consultants to whom the announcement will be sent using any of the following criteria:

  • By consultant status: Pre-registered, Active, Inactive, Pending, etc.

  • Immediate leader

  • Specific consultant rank

  • Consultants active in the cycle: With or without associated orders

  • Level within the genealogical tree.

  • By territory: Country, state, city, neighborhood, or postal code.

  • Consultant's network members (Downline)

  • People based on selection: Choose who the message will be sent to.

  • By system role

  • Through an Excel file that loads the recipients

  • All users without any filter

  • Consultant's social networks


The message will be delivered to recipients using one of the options such as:

  • Email

  • Broadcast Message

  • Timeline

  • Facebook (If configured for the sender)


7.2.2. Banners

Banners are a tool to communicate platform users with news, special, or general information that is of interest to businesspeople.

Banners are messages that can have text and images presented to consultants when they log into their virtual office.

These messages allow for the communication of specific strategies and enable distributors, consultants, or administrators to send messages to their own network or all users.

Once consultants log into their virtual office and the message dates are active, the banner will appear at the top of each page until they decide to hide it. However, consultants, once they see this communication, can close it so that it does not reappear in their virtual office.


7.2.3. Popup

Popups are pop-up windows whose main function is to grab the attention of the person browsing the page. They are widely used in marketing to promote products, promotions, register new customers, or convey important information to customers.

Popups can be configured as a form, an image, or a video.

It is very useful to communicate something to all users when they enter the site with a popup, which is configured in the JOOMLA content manager.



7.2.4. Timeline - Message Wall

The message wall or timeline fulfills the consultants' need to see, in a timeline format similar to that of social media, the messages they have received or the events that have occurred in different processes of the system.

This way, a distributor can write to people in their network individually, responding to their comments or giving instructions on a process.


7.2.5. Mass Email Sending

It is very useful for sales managers to be able to send emails to their network based on key business criteria such as:

  • People in my network

  • Directly associated individuals.

  • Individuals who have placed orders or have not placed orders.

  • In a specific area (Country, state, city)

  • Immediate leader

  • Hierarchy level

  • Ranks

  • Status.

Through centralized message sending, it is possible to send mass emails using the configured templates.


Preparatory Configurations

  • Autoresponder Templates



